Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Day 4, 92

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


All design work must be finished and documented in your portfolio NLT Wednesday!

Today’s Agenda:

  1. Portfolios overdue due for Approval.

    The portfolio must contain:

    1. Printed Research

    2. Your original design sketches.

    3. Weight and cost estimates stapled to each sketch.

    4. A completed and printed design selection table.

      • This must include a statement of the final design selection.

    5. A final drawing of the proposed designt hat will be built.

      • Include any design improvements or changes.

      • It must be drawn to scale with dimensions showing height, and diameter.

      • All relevant features and parts must be shown and labeled.

    Present your portfolio to me Friday to Gain my approval to build.

Once approved:

Use the attached form to list all materials required to build your project.

  • Each item that needs to be cut out (cloth, bubblewrap, foil, etc) needs a sheet caclulating its size and a drawign with the shape and dimentions of the piece you need..

  • Staple this into a neat package and prepare to get thes materials Friday

Obtain materials and prepare to build.

Friday, January 17, 2025. Day 3, 93

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


All design work must be finished and documented in your portfolio NLT Wednesday!

Today’s Agenda:

  1. Portfolios due for Approval.

    The portfolio must contain:

    1. Printed Research

    2. Your original design sketches.

    3. Weight and cost estimates stapled to each sketch.

    4. A completed and printed design selection table.

      • This must include a statement of the final design selection.

    5. A final drawing of the proposed designt hat will be built.

      • Include any design improvements or changes.

      • It must be drawn to scale with dimensions showing height, and diameter.

      • All relevant features and parts must be shown and labeled.

    Present your portfolio to me Friday to Gain my approval to build.

Once approved:

Use the atatched form to list all materials required to build your project.

  • Each item that needs to be cut out (cloth, bubblewrap, foil, etc) needs a sheet caclulating its size and a drawign with the shape and dimentions of the piece you need..

  • Staple this into a neat package and prepare to get thes materials Friday

Thursday, January 16, 2025. Day 2, 94

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


All design work must be finished and documented in your portfolio NLT Wednesday!

Today’s Agenda:

  1. Portfolios due for Approval.

    The portfolio must contain:

    1. Printed Research

    2. Your original design sketches.

    3. Weight and cost estimates stapled to each sketch.

    4. A completed and printed design selection table.

      • This must include a statement of the final design selection.

    5. A final drawing of the proposed designt hat will be built.

      • Include any design improvements or changes.

      • It must be drawn to scale with dimensions showing height, and diameter.

      • All relevant features and parts must be shown and labeled.

    Present your portfolio to me Friday to Gain my approval to build.

Once approved:

Use the atatched form to list all materials required to build your project.

  • Each item that needs to be cut out (cloth, bubblewrap, foil, etc) needs a sheet caclulating its size and a drawign with the shape and dimentions of the piece you need..

  • Staple this into a neat package and prepare to get thes materials Friday

Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Day 1, 95

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


All design work must be finished and documented in your portfolio NLT Wednesday!

Today’s Agenda:

  1. Portfolios due for Approval.

    The portfolio must contain:

    1. Printed Research

    2. Your original design sketches.

    3. Weight and cost estimates stapled to each sketch.

    4. A completed and printed design selection table.

      • This must include a statement of the final design selection.

    5. A final drawing of the proposed designt hat will be built.

      • Include any design improvements or changes.

      • It must be drawn to scale with dimensions showing height, and diameter.

      • All relevant features and parts must be shown and labeled.

    Present your portfolio to me Friday to Gain my approval to build.

Once approved:

Use the atatched form to list all materials required to build your project.

  • Each item that needs to be cut out (cloth, bubblewrap, foil, etc) needs a sheet caclulating its size and a drawign with the shape and dimentions of the piece you need..

  • Staple this into a neat package and prepare to get thes materials Friday

Monday, January 13, 2025. Day 5, 97

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


All design work must be finished and documented in your portfolio NLT Wednesday!

Today’s Agenda:

  1. Cost Estimates for all designs must be complete.

  2. Weight Estimates for all designs must be complete.

  3. Finalize the rating table and select a final design.

  4. Make a finish drawing of this design to scale with all relevant features shown and labeled.

  5. Gain my approval to build.

Friday, January 10, 2025. Day 4, 98

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

  1. Complete Team Drawer Assignment

    • Member Names on Tape

    • Team Name (on Tape)

  2. Cost Estimates for all designs must be complete.

  3. Weight Estimates for all designs must be complete.

  4. Finalize the rating table and select a final design.

  5. Make a finish drawing of this design to scale with all relevant features shown and labeled.

  6. Gain my approval to build.

Thursday, January 9, 2025. Day 3, 99

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

  1. Complete Team Drawer Assignment

    • Member Names on Tape

    • Team Name (on Tape)

  2. Cost Estimates for all designs must be complete.

  3. Weight Estimates for all designs must be complete.

  4. Finalize the rating table and select a final design.

  5. Make a finish drawing of this design to scale with all relevant features shown and labeled.

  6. Gain my approval to build.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Day 2, 100

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

  1. Complete Team Drawer Assignment

    • Member Names on Tape

    • Team Name (on Tape)

  2. Competency Check Sign offs

    • See me or I will reach Out

  3. Each team to produce 2+ working sketched of designs to meet the criteria and constraints of the project. (1 per team member, 2 minimum)

  • These should be independently done to capture different ideas.

  • The sketches should be neat and detailed labeling all different parts and materials used.

  • An explainer under the sketch shoudl describe each part/material along with its purpose/function in creating an awesome design.

  • You have two days.

Evaluating design Ideas

Rating Table

Review Calculating the surface area of a cylinder Monday!

  • Finish that worksheet if needed.

Review Calculating the Volume of a cylinder

Competency Check

2 problems

Pass back/go over quiz

Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Day 1, 101

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

  1. Team Drawer Assignment

    • Member Names on Tape

    • Team Name (on Tape)

  2. Competency Check Sign offs

    • See me or I will reach Out

  3. Each team to produce 2+ working sketched of designs to meet the criteria and constraints of the project. (1 per team member, 2 minimum)

  • These should be independently done to capture different ideas.

  • The sketches should be neat and detailed labeling all different parts and materials used.

  • An explainer under the sketch shoudl describe each part/material along with its purpose/function in creating an awesome design.

  • You have two days.

Review Calculating the surface area of a cylinder Monday!

  • Finish that worksheet if needed.

Review Calculating the Volume of a cylinder

Competency Check

2 problems

Pass back/go over quiz

Monday, January 6, 2025. Day 6, 102

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

review Calculating the surface area of a cylinder Monday!

  • Finish that worksheet if needed.

Review Calculating the Volume of a cylinder

Competency Check

2 problems

Pass back/go over quiz

Friday, January 3, 2025. Day 5, 103

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now: None


Complete practice examples from class.

Today’s Agenda:

We will review Calculating the surface area of a cylinder Monday!

  • Finish that worksheet if needed.

Your teacher will now hand out a copy of Calculating the Volume of a cylinder