Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
All design work must be finished and documented in your portfolio NLT Wednesday!
Today’s Agenda:
Portfolios overdue due for Approval.
The portfolio must contain:
Printed Research
Your original design sketches.
Weight and cost estimates stapled to each sketch.
A completed and printed design selection table.
This must include a statement of the final design selection.
A final drawing of the proposed designt hat will be built.
Include any design improvements or changes.
It must be drawn to scale with dimensions showing height, and diameter.
All relevant features and parts must be shown and labeled.
Present your portfolio to me Friday to Gain my approval to build.
Once approved:
Use the attached form to list all materials required to build your project.
Each item that needs to be cut out (cloth, bubblewrap, foil, etc) needs a sheet caclulating its size and a drawign with the shape and dimentions of the piece you need..
Staple this into a neat package and prepare to get thes materials Friday