Tuesday, December 17, 2024. Day 6, 108
Grade 7 Lesson
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
Take this Practice Quiz
Quiz next Tuesday (Dec. 17th)
Study Guide: Thermal Energy Transfers Quiz
Today’s Agenda:
Review Do Now
Introducing the Yeti Project
Take this Practice Quiz
Review Engineering Design Process P6
P7 Students to complete Engineering Design Process and review
Product Research
Monday, December 16, 2024. Day 5, 109
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
Take this Practice Quiz
Quiz next Tuesday (Dec. 17th)
Study Guide: Thermal Energy Transfers Quiz
Today’s Agenda:
Review Do Now
Introducing the Yeti Project
Take this Practice Quiz
Review Engineering Design Process P6
P7 Students to complete Engineering Design Process and review
Product Research
Friday, December 13, 2024. Day 4, 110
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
Take this Practice Quiz
Quiz next Tuesday (Dec. 17th)
Study Guide: Thermal Energy Transfers Quiz
Product Research - due NLT Wednesday before class.
Today’s Agenda:
Take this Practice Quiz
I will use this as an optional grade - see me if you want to keep it.
Class Resource: Introducing the Yeti Project
P7 Students to complete Engineering Design Process and review
Product Research - due NLT Wednesday before class.
Thursday, December 12, 2024. Day 3, 111
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
Complete the Convection cycle Do Now in google Classroom.
Quiz next Tuesday (Dec. 17th)
Study Guide: Thermal Energy Transfers Quiz
Today’s Agenda:
Introducing the Yeti Project
Engineerign Design Process due tomorrow!
Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Day 2, 112
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
Complete the radiation, Conduction, Convection Practice Worksheet
Study Guide: Thermal Energy Transfers Quiz
Today’s Agenda:
Review Convection Notes As needed - Periods 6, 7
Convection is the movement of thermal energy by the flow of material in a fluid.
Fluids are liquids or gasses.
when the particles of a fluid move from one place to another, they carry their thermal eenrgy alogn with them.
Convection occurs Because of changes in density.
When a fluid is heated, its particles move faster and spread out.
This causes the fluid to becoem less dense where it is ehated.
Less dense fluids are buoyant - so they rise.
Where fluids cool, the particles slow down and contract.
This causes it to become more dense where cooling ocurs.
The dense, cooler fluid sinks.
This rising and sinking can create a covection current
see digram below.
Convection currents are found in a boiling pot of water as well as Earth’s atmosphere
Introducing the Yeti Project
Engineerign Design Process due tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 10, 2024. Day 1, 113 (Copy)
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
Today’s Agenda:
Finish GReek and latin final Exams as needed
Collect Flashcards
G&L Week 1-10 Answer Key sorted by week
Review Convection Notes
Convection is the movement of thermal energy by the flow of material in a fluid.
Fluids are liquids or gasses.
when the particles of a fluid move from one place to another, they carry their thermal eenrgy alogn with them.
Convection occurs Because of changes in density.
When a fluid is heated, its particles move faster and spread out.
This causes the fluid to becoem less dense where it is ehated.
Less dense fluids are buoyant - so they rise.
Where fluids cool, the particles slow down and contract.
This causes it to become more dense where cooling ocurs.
The dense, cooler fluid sinks.
This rising and sinking can create a covection current
see digram below.
Convection currents are found in a boiling pot of water as well as Earth’s atmosphere
Demonstrations - Convection
Study GReek and Latin as Time Permits
Monday, December 9, 2024. Day 6, 114
Grade 7 Lesson
Grade 8 Lesson
Do Now:
Please take out your flashcards abd study quietly.
Flashcards due on tuesday the 10th.
G&L Week 1-10 Answer Key sorted by week
Today’s Agenda:
GReek and latin final Exam Today
Sort flashcards for tomorrow.
FRiday, December 6, 2024. Day 5, 115
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
Please open your notes and place them visible to me on your desk.
Use them to answer these four questions.
G&L Final exam Monday, December 9th
Word Finder Dictionary!
the Online Etymological Dictionary
G&L Week 1-10 Answer Key
Flashcards due on the 10th.
Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project
Today’s Agenda:
Heat Energy and Bicycling in New York City was due yesterday.
The assignment had 2 parts.
Both will be scored.
Review the Do Now Results
Review Convection Notes
Convection is the movement of thermal energy by the flow of material in a fluid.
Fluids are liquids or gasses.
when the particles of a fluid move from one place to another, they carry their thermal eenrgy alogn with them.
Convection occurs Because of changes in density.
When a fluid is heated, its particles move faster and spread out.
This causes the fluid to becoem less dense where it is ehated.
Less dense fluids are buoyant - so they rise.
Where fluids cool, the particles slow down and contract.
This causes it to become more dense where cooling ocurs.
The dense, cooler fluid sinks.
This rising and sinking can create a covection current
see digram below.
Convection currents are found in a boiling pot of water as well as Earth’s atmosphere
Demonstrations - Convection
Study GReek and Latin as Time Permits
Thursday, December 5, 2024.
School cancelled due to snow.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024. Day 4, 116
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
G&L Final exam Monday, December 9th
Word Finder Dictionary!
the Online Etymological Dictionary
G&L Week 1-10 Answer Key
Flashcards due on the 10th.
Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project
Today’s Agenda:
Heat Energy and Bicycling in New York City
Read and take Notes: Thermal Energy Transfers - Convection
Due Tomorrow NLT MIdnight
Study GReek and Latin as Time Permits
Tuesday, December 3, 2024. Day 3, 117
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
G&L Final exam Monday, December 9th
Word Finder Dictionary!
the Online Etymological Dictionary
G&L Week 1-10 Answer Key
Flashcards due on the 10th.
Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project
Read and take Notes: Thermal Energy Transfers - Convection
Due Tomorrow NLT MIdnight
Today’s Agenda:
Pass back and go over Wk 10 G&L Quiz
Reflecting Radiation
Thermal Conductivity
Read and take Notes: Thermal Energy Transfers - Convection
Due Tomorrow NLT MIdnight
Study GReek and Latin as Time Permits
Coming Soon
Mini breakout: Brainstorm and research
What is engineering?
How is it different from science?
Engineering Design Process
Located in GC
Review EDP
Monday, December 2, 2024. Day 2, 118
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
Complete this poll
G&L Final exam Monday, December 9th
Word Finder Dictionary!
the Online Etymological Dictionary
G&L Week 1-10 Answer Key
Flashcards due on the 10th.
Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project
Today’s Agenda:
Finish Make-ups: G&L Week 10 Quiz
Final exam on the 9th.
Flashcards due on the 10th.
The quiz will be passed back tomorrow.
Review Lab: PhET Exploring Specific Heat
located in GC
Specific Heat Notes:
in notebook
review and modify
Specific Heat
Specific heat measures how much thermal energy is needed to raise the temperature of an amount of a material by 1 degree.
high specific heat means a material needs a lot of thermal energy to heat up
heats slowly
contains many enery units at a given temperature
Low Specific Heat means a material needs relatively little thermal energy added to heat up.
heats up quickly
contains fewer units of thermal energy at a given temperature.
Thermal Expansion and Contraction
Materials expand (grow) and contract(shrink) based on their temperature.
When heated, particles move faster and spread out.
material expands
When cooled, particles slow and become closer together.
material contracts.
The thermal expansion/contraction of a material is a characteristic property.
each material has its own rate of expansion/contraction
Table of Thermal Expansion Coefficients
Weird Units
10⁻⁶ m/(m °C)
Post Lesson Learning check
Tuesday, November 26, 2024. Day 1, 119
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
G&L Final exam Monday, December 9th
Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project
Today’s Agenda:
Review Greek and Latin Week 10 quiz.
Review Lab: PhET Exploring Specific Heat
located in GC
Specific Heat Notes:
in notebook
review and modify
Specific Heat
Specific heat measures how much thermal energy is needed to raise the temperature of an amount of a material by 1 degree.
high specific heat means a material needs a lot of thermal energy to heat up
heats slowly
contains many enery units at a given temperature
Low Specific Heat means a material needs relatively little thermal energy added to heat up.
heats up quickly
contains fewer units of thermal energy at a given temperature.
Thermal Expansion and Contraction
Materials expand (grow) and contract(shrink) based on their temperature.
When heated, particles move faster and spread out.
material expands
When cooled, particles slow and become closer together.
material contracts.
The thermal expansion/contraction of a material is a characteristic property.
each material has its own rate of expansion/contraction
Monday, November 25, 2024. Day 6, 120
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
G&L Final exam Monday, December 9th
Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project
G&L Final exam Monday, December 9th
Today’s Agenda:
G&L Week 10 Quiz Today
Once finished:
All students to review and check all flashcards.
correct any definitions that are wrong or different from mine.
replace lost/damaged cards
Study Greek and Latin
Friday, November 22, 2024. Day 5, 121
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
G&L Week 10 Quiz, Mon, November 25th.
Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project
Today’s Agenda:
Finish Exploring Specific Heat.
If finished before peers, complete the Extension Activity attached to the assignment.
Extension Assignment - Exploring Specific Heat
For this activity you will use the PhET simulation titled Energy Forms and Changes. Click this link to open it!
Follow these instructions, but do your work on the document you already completed.
Put it at the end of the document below question 15.
Review the work you completed on Exploring Specific Heat, items 1-15.
Open the simulation.
Brainstorm and consider ways to explore the specific heat of Brick and Iron. You have samples of these included in the sim. DO NOT USE the Energy Symbols option in your experiments!
Devise (create) two different experiments to help you infer which material has a higher specific heat. Complete your work for each experiment as follows:
Describe your experiment and method.
Make a data table and collect data from your experiment.
Use the data to conclude which material has a higher specific heat.
Do steps a-c separately for each experiment.
Record this work on the Exploring Specific Heat worksheet under question 15.
Finally, check your work using the “Energy Symbols” and compare to what you concluded.
Study Greek and Latin
Thursday, November 21, 2024. Day 4, 122
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
PhET Lab: Exploring Specific Heat (Heat Capacity) due tomorrow.
G&L Week 10 Quiz, Mon, November 25th.
Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project
Today’s Agenda:
PhET Lab: Exploring Specific Heat (Heat Capacity)
Located in GC
Discuss results as a class.
Exploring Specific Heat Extension in GC
Study Greek and Latin
mixing materials with heat content
thermal expansion demo
Convection R&TN
Convection demo
Wednesday, November 20, 2024. Day 3, 123
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
G&L Week 10 FC’s due Thu, November 21st
G&L Week 10 Quiz, Mon, November 25th.
Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project
Today’s Agenda:
Finish and turn in:
Identifying Materials Based on Thermal Conductivity.
R&TN Specific Heat and Thermal Expansion
Read pages 467 - 469 in MH Ch13L2 Thermal Energy Transfers
Take notes in your notebook.
Title them Specific Heat and Thermal Expansion
Be sure to include information on the following topics:
define specific heat.
What low vs high specific heat means.
the specific heat of water. Include interesting details.
define/describe thermal contraction
include why this happens
define/describe thermal expansion
include why this happens
Identify and describe interesting examples of expansion and contraction
Study greek and Latin
Tuesday, November 19, 2024. Day 2, 124
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
G&L Week 10 FC’s due Thu, November 21st
G&L Week 10 FC’s due Thursday, Nov, 21st
G&L Week 10 Quiz, Mon, November 25th.
Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project
Today’s Agenda:
Review G&L Week 10 word list
Identifying Materials by their thermal conductivity.
In GC.
Turn in
Study Greek and Latin
Monday, November 18, 2024. Day 1, 125
Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
G&L Week 10 Definitions due Tue, Nov. 19th
G&L Week 10 FC’s due Thu, November 21st
G&L Week 10 Quiz, Mon, November 25th.
Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project