Thursday, March 13, 2025. Day 5, 61

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:



Quiz FRiday

Finish all assigned classwork as needed.

Today’s Agenda:

Mr. Wahlstrom is Out today

  1. Get a copy of the BrainPOP Quiz on eclipses.  

    •  Your substitute teacher has the copies.

  2. Go to Google Classroom. Watch the BrainPOP on eclipses.  Use it to answer the quiz questions.  

    • You may review the movie as much as needed to get them all right.

  3. Read the article attached to the GC assignment.

    • Answer the questions at the end of it in complete sentences.

Wednesday, March 12 2025. Day 4, 62

Grade 7 Lesson

Release GC Assignment

Do Now:

Notecard/Scrap paper:

  1. What is the name of the earliest period we investigated of Earth’s history?

  2. What is the name of the latest period we investigated of Earth’s history?


Quiz Thursday

Today’s Agenda:

Collect EM Radiation Readworks to complete in class.

  • 2 collected - remainder not, check P7

Quiz Thursday

Today’s Agenda:

Review Geologic Timescale Activity.

Complete: What is the geologic timescale in GC

  • Around the world format.

Friday, March 7, 2025. Day 1, 65

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

Collect EM Radiation Readworks to complete in class.

  • 2 collected - remainder not, check P7

Post and debrief digital drawings

Class Notes:

Technological Communications Model

  • Define and give examples

Review Technological Communications Model Practice - in GC

Explain how waves behave when interacting with different substances:

  • Reflection - laser, mirror, white paper

  • Refraction - visible light, prism

  • Absorption - laser, black paper

  • Transmission - laser, plate glass

Quiz Study Guide

Coming Up:

Review PhET Activites

Determining amplitude, wavelength, and frequency worksheet/activity

Technological Communications Model

Digital communications

Thursday, March 6, 2025. Day 6, 66

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

Collect EM Radiation Readworks to complete in class.

  • 2 collected - remainder not, check P7

Post and debrief digital drawings

Class Notes:

Technological Communications Model

  • Define and give examples

Practice - in GC

Quiz Study Guide

Coming Up:

Review PhET Activites

Determining amplitude, wavelength, and frequency worksheet/activity

Technological Communications Model

Digital communications

Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Day 4, 68

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:

Finish Binary Excercise in GC


Today’s Agenda:

Collect EM Radiation Readworks to complete in class.

  • 2 collected - remainder not, check P7

Review Binary Excercise in GC.

Complete remaining BrainPOP

  • Discuss Worksheet

Class Notes:


Coming Up:

Review PhET Activites

Determining amplitude, wavelength, and frequency worksheet/activity

Technological Communications Model

Digital communications

Monday, March 3, 2025. Day 3, 69

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

Collect EM Radiation Readworks to complete in class.

  • 2 collected - remainder not, check P7

BrainPOPs in GC - Go over Binary worksheet.

Discuss binary


Binary Excercise in GC.

Complete remaining BrainPOP for Tuesday

Coming Up:

Review PhET Activites

Determining amplitude, wavelength, and frequency worksheet/activity

Technological Communications Model

Digital communications

Friday, February 28, 2025. Day 2, 70

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:

Wave Analysis activity


Wave Properties Review Quiz Monday

Today’s Agenda:

Collect EM Radiation Readworks to complete in class.

  • 2 collected - remainder not, check P7

Go over the “Do Now Activity”

Analog Communication Activity

Drawing Recap:

  • Collect and post drawing by type

  • Discuss fidelity and repeatability

BrainPOPs in GC

Complete for Monday

Coming Up:

Review PhET Activites

Determining amplitude, wavelength, and frequency worksheet/activity

Technological Communications Model

Digital communications

Thursday, February 27, 2025. Day 1, 71

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:

Wave Analysis activity


Today’s Agenda:

Collect EM Radiation Readworks to complete in class.

  • 2 collected - remainder not, check P7

Go over the “Do Now Activity”

Go Over: Waves Basics Review Quiz Study Guide:

  • Located in GC

  • Quiz on Monday

Analog Communication Activity


Communication is the process of transferring information from one individual to another (or others).

  • All sorts of animals do this (and some clues suggest plants do as well).

  • Humans use a variety of methods to communicate: What are some of the ways humans communicate?

(Discuss.  Answers vary but perhaps divide into technological and non-technological (biological) methods of communication.)

Take out your phone and send a selfie to a friend  or family member.  So easy!!

  • How does this happen?

In this lesson sequence, we will explore how!

Coming Up:

Review PhET Activites

Determining amplitude, wavelength, and frequency worksheet/activity

Technological Communications Model

Digital communications

Wednesday, February 26, 2025. Day 6, 72

Grade 7 Lesson

Groundwater Link for Sci Tech

Do Now:

Wave Analysis activity


Today’s Agenda:

Collect EM Radiation Readworks to complete in class.

  • 2 collected - remainder not, check P7

Go over the “Do Now Activity”

All to work on Cup Final Evaluation

  • Due Wednesday

Waves Review Quiz Study Guide:

  • Students to fill out

  • Review in class

  • Quiz on Monday

Coming Up:

Review PhET Activites

Determining amplitude, wavelength, and frequency worksheet/activity

Technological Communications Model

Digital communications

Tuesday, February 25, 2025. Day 5, 73

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:

Complete the activity handed out at the door.


Today’s Agenda:

Collect EM Radiation Readworks to complete in class.

Go over the “Do Now Activity”

All to work on Cup Final Evaluation

  • Due Today

Cup Evaluation/comparison/reflection - Winner Announcement

  • Hand out rubrics

Teams to assess performance

Write and turn in reflection.

Attach to assignment in GC.

Scoring Criteria:

  • Content (15 points):

    • Introduction

      • Description of the Design

      • Include photo of the cup.

    • Scoring Assessment:

      • Point losses are individually identified and described.

      • A strategy for improvement is described.

    • Reflection/Conclusion:

      • Reflect on the team’s performance.

      • Identify and describe successes in working together.

      • Describe areas you feel could be improved in how you worked together.

  • Development (5 points)

    • Thorough and Thoughtful

    • Team assesses all point losses.

    • Identifies and describes potential strategies to improve upon each one.

  • Editing (5 points):

    • Written in complete sentences and paragraph format.

    • Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are correct.

Coming Up:

Review PhET Activites

Determining amplitude, wavelength, and frequency worksheet/activity

Technological Communications Model

Digital communications