Thursday, November 21, 2024. Day 4, 122

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:


PhET Lab: Exploring Specific Heat (Heat Capacity)

  • Located in GC

  • Discuss results as a class.

Exploring Specific Heat Extension in GC

Study Greek and Latin

mixing materials with heat content

thermal expansion demo

Convection R&TN

Convection demo

Wednesday, November 20, 2024. Day 3, 123

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


  • Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project

Today’s Agenda:

Finish and turn in:

  • Identifying Materials Based on Thermal Conductivity.

R&TN Specific Heat and Thermal Expansion

  1. Read pages 467 - 469 in MH Ch13L2 Thermal Energy Transfers

  2. Take notes in your notebook.

  3. Title them Specific Heat and Thermal Expansion

  4. Be sure to include information on the following topics:

    • define specific heat.

      • What low vs high specific heat means.

      • the specific heat of water. Include interesting details.

    • define/describe thermal contraction

      • include why this happens

    • define/describe thermal expansion

      • include why this happens

    • Identify and describe interesting examples of expansion and contraction

Study greek and Latin

Tuesday, November 19, 2024. Day 2, 124

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


  • Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project

Today’s Agenda:

Review G&L Week 10 word list


Identifying Materials by their thermal conductivity.

  • In GC.

  • Turn in

Study Greek and Latin

Friday, November 15, 2024. Day 6, 126

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:

  1. List three materials that are good conductors of heat.

  2. List three materials that are good insulators of heat.


  • Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project

Today’s Agenda:

Assigned if not finished:

Watch the BrainPOP Heat transfer video linked in Google Classroom.

  • Pause the video at each time listed below and answer the questions on the worksheet.

  • Use the worksheet as open notes on the BrainPOP quiz also in Google Classroom.

  • This worksheet will be graded.

Complete Heat Transfer Reading , notes, with demonstrations

  1. Open your notes, or start new ones…

  2. Get a Textbook

  3. Title the page “Thermal Energy Transfers” and date it.

  4. Topic Outline: Read, review, discuss annotate.

  • Review page 461 and define Heat.

  • Read the first paragraph on page 465. Identify three forms of heat and list them.

  • Define and describe radiation.  Be sure to include bullet points of the important characteristics of radiation.

  • Define and describe conduction.  Be sure to include bullet points of the important characteristics of conduction

  • Define and describe “thermal conductors”. Be sure to include important details and examples.

  • Define and describe “thermal insulators”. Be sure to include important details and examples.

  • Think back to the in-class demonstration we did.  What type of heat transfer was this showing?  Explain your reasoning.

Identifying Materials by their thermal conductivity.

  • In GC.

Study Greek and Latin

Thursday, November 14, 2024. Day 5,127

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:

Please put your week 9 FC’s on the desk in a pile.


  • Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project

Today’s Agenda:

Assigned if not finished:

Watch the BrainPOP Heat transfer video linked in Google Classroom.

  • Pause the video at each time listed below and answer the questions on the worksheet.

  • Use the weorksheet as open notes on the BrainPOP quiz also in Google Classroom.

  • This worksheet will be graded.

Complete Heat Transfer Reading , notes, with demonstrations

  1. Open your notes, or start new ones…

  2. Get a Textbook

  3. Title the page “Thermal Energy Transfers” and date it.

  4. Topic Outline: Read, review, discuss annotate.

  • Review page 461 and define Heat.

  • Read the first paragraph on page 465. Identify three forms of heat and list them.

  • Define and describe radiation.  Be sure to include bullet points of the important characteristics of radiation.

  • Define and describe conduction.  Be sure to include bullet points of the important characteristics of conduction

  • Define and describe “thermal conductors”. Be sure to include important details and examples.

  • Define and describe “thermal insulators”. Be sure to include important details and examples.

  • Think back to the in-class demonstration we did.  What type of heat transfer was this showing?  Explain your reasoning.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024. Day 4, 128

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


  • Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project

Today’s Agenda:

Watch the BrainPOP Heat transfer video linked in Google Classroom.

  • Pause the video at each time listed below and answer the questions on the worksheet.

  • Use the weorksheet as open notes on the BrainPOP quiz also in Google Classroom.

  • This worksheet will be graded.


  • G&L Wk 8 Quiz

  • G&L Week 9 Word List - definitions and example words due tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Day 3, 129

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


  • Bring in cans and materials for our STEM Project

Today’s Agenda:

P5 & P7

  • G&L Wk 8 Quiz

  • G&L Week 9 Word List - definitions and example words due tomorrow.

Period 6

Review Unit Driving Question and Investigations to date:

  • Student groups to retrieve posters, report out responses.

Review Current Investigation Question:

  • Do different coverings affect heat loss from a container?

  • Examine Results - sample on board

Class to discuss answer to investigation question.

  • What evidence from your graph supports this answer?

  • What evidence from your graph supports this answer?

  • The difference between evidence and Reasoning/explanation.

Student groups to formulate Answer Card

  • List Investigation Question.

  • Answer it with a claim

  • Summarize Supporting Evidence

  • Explain your reasoning

New questions/ideas/possible explanations

Friday, November 8, 2024. Day 2, 130

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

Finish Graph Assesment - 2 classes

Read and take Notes

Read Thermal Energy Transfers: MHGr7 Ch13 Thermal Energy, page 465-466

Take notes in your notebook. Title the page “Thermal Energy Transfers” and date it.

Take notes on the reading. Be sure to include information on:

  1. Review page 461 and define Heat.

  2. Read the first paragraph on page 465. Identify three forms of heat and list them.

  3. Define and describe radiation. Be sure to include bullet points of the important characteristics of radiation.

  4. Define and describe conduction. Be sure to include bullet points of the important characteristics of conduction

  5. Define and describe “thermal conductors”. Be sure to include important details and examples.

  6. Define and describe “thermal insulators”. Be sure to include important details and examples.

  7. Think back to the in-class demonstration we did. What type of heat transfer was this showing? Explain your reasoning.

Thursday, November 7, 2024. Day 1, 131

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

G&L Week 8 flashcard check

Spreadsheet Check

Graphing Part III

How do different covering affect temperature loss form a container of hot water?

  • Answer and support with evidence.


  • Finish your spreadsheet work.

  • Study Greek and Latin Week 8

  1. Lab: The effect of Covering Materials

  2. Share Team Data

  3. Creat columns

  4. Enter

  5. Program statistics

  6. graph

Study Greek and Latin

For Monday

Review Heat Notes and RC Check: MHGr7 Ch13 Thermal Energy

  • What is heat?

  • What is the relationship between heat and thermal energy?

  • What affects the rate of heat?

  • When will heat stop flowing?

Monday, November 4, 2024. Day 5, 133

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:

Please get out your lab data.


Today’s Agenda:

Updated G&L Dates

  • G&L Week 7 Quiz will be this Wednesday

  • G&L Week 8 Word List

    • Completed Wednesday in class

    • flashcards due Thursday

  1. Lab: The effect of Covering Materials

  2. Share Team Data

  3. Creat columns

  4. Enter

  5. Program statistics

  6. graph

Study Greek and Latin

For Monday

Review Heat Notes and RC Check: MHGr7 Ch13 Thermal Energy

  • What is heat?

  • What is the relationship between heat and thermal energy?

  • What affects the rate of heat?

  • When will heat stop flowing?

Friday, November 1, 2024. Day 4, 134

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Last:

P5 Only: Open your notes.

Complete this Heat rC Check using your notes for reference.


Today’s Agenda:

  1. Lab: The effect of Covering Materials

  2. Form Groups

  3. Each group gather their covering

  4. issue cans

  5. cover and construct foil covers for tops

  6. tape elastics

  7. Open Spreadsheet in GC

  8. Run Experiment gathering data

Study Greek and Latin

For Monday

Review Heat Notes and RC Check: MHGr7 Ch13 Thermal Energy

  • What is heat?

  • What is the relationship between heat and thermal energy?

  • What affects the rate of heat?

  • When will heat stop flowing?

Thursday, October 31, 2024. Day 3, 135

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:

Open your notes.

Complete this Heat rC Check using your notes for reference.


Today’s Agenda:

  1. Complete: Read and Take Notes: Chapter 13 L1: Thermal Energy Temperature and Heat

    • located in Google Classroom

    • Review assignment as a class and begin.

  2. Review Heat Notes: MHGr7 Ch13 Thermal Energy

    • What is heat?

    • What is the relationship between heat and thermal energy?

    • What affects the rate of heat?

    • When will heat stop flowing?

  3. Lab Prep: The effect of Covering Materials

  4. Review materials brought to class.

  5. Form Groups

  6. Each group constructs a covering from one of the materials to fit the can.

  7. Prepare Spreadsheet in GC

  8. Bring in a material to cover a cup for a subsequent test.

Study Greek and Latin

Wednesday, October 30, 2024. Day 2, 136

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

  1. Pass back and go over G&L Week 7 Quiz.

  2. Complete: Read and Take Notes: Chapter 13 L1: Thermal Energy Temperature and Heat

    • located in Google Classroom

    • Review assignment as a class and begin.

  3. Finish:Graph Review - check for completeness and pull students as needed.

    • Review your data. and graph.

    • Make a claim about covers and heat loss from a cup.

      • Identify and summarize the evidence that supports your claim.

      • List it in bullet point format.

    • Discuss why covers do/don’t affect heat loss?

      • List ideas and be prepared to discuss.

Lab Prep:

The effect of Covering Materials

  • check on materials brought to class.

  • How can we test different covering materials on the cups?

  • Bring in a material to cover a cup for a subsequent test.

Study Greek and Latin

Tuesday, October 29, 2024. Day 1, 137

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

  1. Review Greek and Latin Week 7 Terms and example words

    • Flashcards due Thursday

  2. Pass back and go over G&L Week 7 Quiz.

Graph Review:

  1. Get together with your team.

  2. Review your data. and graph.

    1. What does “Heat Loss Rate” mean?

    2. What does a high Heat Loss Rate (HLR) mean compared to a lower one?

    3. Which cup had the highest HLR? Which had the lowest?

    4. How does the graph show this?

  3. Make a claim about covers and heat loss from a cup.

    1. Identify and summarize the evidence that supports your claim.

    2. List it in bullet point format.

  4. Discuss why covers do/don’t affect heat loss?

    1. List ideas and be prepared to discuss.

The affect of Covering Materials

  • How can we test different covering materials on the cups?

  • Bring in a material to cover a cup for a subsequent test.

Study Greek and Latin

Monday, October 28, 2024. Day 6, 138

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

  1. Greek and Latin Week 1-7 Quiz

  2. G&L Week 7 word List

  3. Definitions and example words due tomorrow.

Data Table Review.

Graphing Assignment

Wednesday, October 2.3, 2024. Day 3, 141

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

How does a cover affect heat loss from a cup?

  1. Students designed Lab.

  2. All students check your data tables.

  3. If it is not approved (grade 4 or higher) grab a paper table.

  4. All lab “Partner teams” (pairs/triples) choose a Lab Captain.

    • Their job will be to make sure everyone keeps their procedure equal and even for a fair test.

  5. Go into lab and setup equipment.