Friday, October 4, 2024. Day 3, 154

Grade 7 Lesson

Do Now


Today’s Agenda:

Textbook Notes

  • Read and take notes fromt the following:

  • Take notes on this reading in your notebook:

  • Title it: Temperature

  • Be sure to answer/address these questions

  1. What is temperature?

  2. How does kinetic energy relate to temperature?

    • how does the kinetic energy of particles in a sample of matter change when temperature increases? Decreases?

  3. Review p. 458: What is thermal energy?

  4. In what way is temperature related to but different from thermal energy?

  5. How is temperature measured/how does a bulb thermometer work?

  6. Copy and fill in the data table below for different temperature scales.

  7. What is absolute zero?

Programming Spreadsheet Data Analysis

First, remove any data where the temperature went up after time zero.

  • max

  • min

  • count

  • Heat Loss Rate

time to study flashcards

Circling back and adding data:

  1. Investigation Questions: What ffects the colling of a hot drink?

    • How does time affect cooling?

    • How does air temperature affect cooling?

    Discussion and posting of results.