Do Now:
Get a copy of this graph and prepare to follow along in class.
Today’s Agenda:
How Does Insulation Affect Heat Loss?
Experiment Protocol
Team assignment
Select one material from our material bank.
Wrap cans with the material.
Use elastics to secure it.
adjust it so the cover will cover it.
Make sure the thermometer is properly adjusted (short side of block ).
check adjustment without the styrofoam insulator beneath it.
Set up your test equipment
Place styrofoam insulator on the test stand
place can on the styrofoam.
Adjust insulation so the cover fits evenly over the top of the can.
Get water when instructed by the teacher.
transport in the double styrofoam cups with a meat tray cover to keep heat in.
Prepare a stopwatch.
Pour water into the test can when instructed to do so.
start the stopwatch
adjust so thermometer is centered and lower the cover.
put weights on the cover to keep it tight.
take temp every 1 minute.
clean up when finished.