Homework to be completed:
Target Date for your project - Tuesday, June 13th
Today’s agenda:
Fossil Lab Wrap Personal Narrative Story (90 points)
Students should have finished a rough draft for today and engage in peer editing.
pair them randomly or let them self select partners. Help students who have difficulty finding a partner - assign groups of three if needed.
They should get feedback from at least two different peers and focus on the five scoring categories in the rubric passed out to them.
After Peer Editing, students are to work on revisions and drawing their picture.
Assignment Summary
Create an original (COLOR!) picture showing the landscape of the Late Cretaceous world using the evidence you examined in our “museum.”
Your picture must.
be in full color.
include at least six of the pieces of evidence you encountered at the stations in the lab.
each piece must be labeled with the station number in black ink.
Be a creative rendering that shows effort at making it awesome!
You will be scored on the basis of evident effort, creativity, thoroughness, and accuracy.
Artistic Talent will not be scored - so no stress.
Artistic Talent will be recognized however!
Part II
Write a short essay that describes this lost world in a creative format.
Write in the first person.
Include the 6 numbered features (or more) from your picture in your narrative.
These were shown in the drawing and identified with a small number in black.
your final work must be edited for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Use 10 to 12 font and 1.5 spacing. (This may be reduced if you need to fit more text in the available space - see below.)
Print it out and affix it to the back of your drawing. (Glue stick suggested.)
Pass it in!
Grading Criteria:
Picture (42 points)
full color (10)
clear effort to make it your best (10)
Neatly draw or mounted on large construction paper wilt you story printed and mounted on the back. (10 points)
Includes at least six features based on the 9 stations of evidence you examined. (6)
Each is numbered, black ink (6)
“Essay” (42 points)
Scored using the modified “Memoir Rubric” handed out in class. (20 points)
The main focus is a narrative describing the world as you encounter/experience it. (10)
Includes the same six features based on the 9 stations of evidence you put in your picture. (6)
Each is numbered in parenthesis e.g. (6)
Attach your self scored rubric to the back of your finished work with a single staple in the upper left corner. (2). 90 points total.
Rough Draft due Friday.
Final Project due Tuesday, June 13th EOC
Find the Location the Fossils were collected in: Google Earth Search: 25.492N, 102.360W