finish graph as needed.
Today’s Agenda:
Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Heat Vocabulary Quiz.
Pass out quiz papers (up front).
All students to seperate - no students next to another using couters, tables, and lab space to disperse as needed.
Collect quizes and bundle by class.
Student Independent Work:
All students to graph their lab data from Friday’s Lab
All students to graph their lab data from Friday’s Lab
How do different materials affect the flow of heat?
The graph must:
Include both temperatures on the same graph.
Have correct time and temperature scales that go from:
Y - axis: 10 deg. C to 80 deg. C
X - axis: 0 to 20 minutes
Plot in portrait orientation.
Keep a 4-5 block empty margin on all sides.
Plot both data sets in color with a key to identify which temperature is which.
Plot as a scatter plot then connect the points.
Take care that all titles and axis labels are properly capitalized and include correct units.
Your title should identify the name of the container that was tested.
Neatness Matters - a lot…