Tuesday, January 5th, 2020. Day 6

Do Now:

Get ready for class by jotting down an answer to the question:

  • What are traits?

To Be Completed:

What are Traits due Wednesday, January 6, 2020 by 3pm.

Today’s Lesson:

Class Discussion: What are traits?

What are some of the traits you can see on a dog?

What is meant by the term “Trait?”

  • Write down our class definition of this term

  • List five valid examples.

Using the information discussed in class:

  • Complete the “What are traits?” assignment in Google Classroom.

    • produce a slideshow on the topic of traits.

  • You will need to answer the question what controls the traits of an organism?

    • You must provide a citation for the source you use to answer that question.

This is due Wednesday by 3pm.