Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Day 4, 62

Notes: (18), Release GC Assignments.


See me - lars

Assignments Due:

  • Science:

  • Math: Topic Goals.

  • Algebra: Topic goals.

  • SciTech:

  • ELA:

  • Spanish:

  • Civics:

Grade 8 Lesson

Picker Wheel

Release GC

Do Now:

  1. Take 1 piece of colored paper

  2. Write your name on it.

  3. Crumple it up.

  4. Toss it in the fish tank


Complete the Exit Ticket if not done in class.

Today’s Agenda:

DNA QUIZ I MAkeups (Quiz on board)

Review: Cell cycle and Mitosis

  • Complete the Mitosis Diagram in GC

Amoeba Sisters: Mitosis

Class watch video together

Around the World Format

Academic Discourse:

  • Read the question

  • Each partner states what they remember/think related to the question.

  • Clarify ideas with each other.

  • Discuss and decide upon answer.

  • On task 100%

Rotate to next partner when prompted

Mitosis Video Recap Worksheet:

Exit Ticket

Coming up next:

Amoeba Sisters Mitosis

big idea focus: asexual - genetically identical to parent cell

Amoeba Sisters: Mitosis - Meiosis Comparison

The Path Forward:

Mitosis Lesson

Asexual reproduction and mitosis

chromosomes, DNA replication and mitosis

slides on chromosome details

Mitosis Matchup


Sexual reproduction and meiosis

haploid/diploid cells

fertilization -> zygote


Genes and alleles

mutations and genes


allele interactions and punnet squares


Test and heredity project