Panorama today
Panorama today.
Access through Clever
Access with this link:
Your access code is your student ID number.
Today, you are being asked to reflect on yourself and your school in general. To do this, you’ll be asked to fill out two surveys that focus on helping you and your teachers learn more about how they can best support you. This survey will ask about your skills in life and in school, which are important for your school and teachers to understand so they can best support you in all aspects of school.
Please listen carefully while I give you some important directions.
You will be asked to answer two surveys today. The first will have your name at the top. The information collected in this survey will not be part of your grade or reflected on your report card in any way. Instead, you, your teachers and school leaders will use the information to better support you. So, please answer honestly.
The next survey that has your school name at the top is completely confidential. No one in the school will be able to see individual responses. The information from this survey is meant to help the school improve its environment.
Please raise your hand if you need any help, or if you have any questions. Because you are sharing your own thoughts and there are no right or wrong answers, I cannot provide you with responses to the questions. However, I can help you with any words or directions you don’t understand. Are there any questions?
Flex plan for weekly homeroom responsibilities. You must:
Complete 2 days of SSR in homeroom per week.
Use three days for class work and preparation.
You may engage in community service as shown below
Classroom support - community service opportunity
Do Now:
Please copy homework into your agenda:
Label the diagram below with the following terms:
slowing down
speeding up
constant speed
no acceleration
positive acceleration
negative acceleration