Friday, November 5, 2021. Day 4


No cellphones after the pledge please.

Over the next two days in PE, complete the second aerobic challenge - the p.a.c.e.r. or the 9-12 minute aerobic fitness challenge - outside on the bball court?

The students will meet Mr. Sullivan in the gym as usual then we will head up to the bball court.

Upcoming Work

Label your Chromebook and Charger with Masking Tape

  1. Greek & Latin Week 9 FlashCards

Do Now:


Please take out your G&L week 9 FCs and leave them on your desk in a stack.

Homework to be Completed:

  1. G&L Week 9 Quiz next Wednesday, November 10.

  2. Risky Business due November 15th.

Today’s Lesson:

Risky Business - Introduction Research and draft

  1. The team will research and fill out the “Introduce Your County - Paragraph Organizer”

    • by hand

    • short phrases for notes

  2. Write a topic sentence that gets your readers interest.

  3. organize your facts in a logical progression

  4. Draft your paragraph

    • use transitions to improve the flow as your write

    • You may draft on in the slideshow

  5. Your research organizer must be turned in with everyone’s name on it by the end of class.