Please read at the beginning of all classes.
Dear students: I am out unexpectedly today.
Please be respectful of your teacher at all times. I have left instructions to write down the name of anyone who is disrespectful or disruptive. Anyone written down will receive a written warning. I appreciate your maturity and help in making this Friday a smooth and enjoyable end of the week.
Also remember that MCAS is being held in grade six. Please be quiet and thoughtful of others taking their tests today.
sincere thanks,
Mr. wahlstrom
Grade 7 Agenda:
"Gravity - Not the Movie..." worksheet due finished on Sunday!
I will collect monday...
Do Now:
Write your name on the "Ah Ha and Hmm" worksheet.
Pass out a copy of the "Gravity - Not the Movie..." worksheet
Assign as homework. Read the instructions to the entire class then have them put it away.
Pass out the "Gravity" Brainpop quiz
Students to take the quiz before viewing the movie
collect the "Ah Ha and Hmm" worksheets as they work
watch the movie: Gravity by BrainPop
They may change any answers on the quiz after the film
take the quiz as a class on the smart board
students to self-correct and keep their copy
Pass out the vocabulary and Activity Q&A worksheet
Students have until the end of class to discuss and fill in
tell them I will be grading completion effort, so work diligently
collect at end of class - finished or not
Any student who finishes early may study for the test next week.
Genius Hour presentation with Mr. Purcell
Grade 8 agenda:
Finish the video worksheet - it will be grade Monday
Watch the film again if you need to.
Do Now:
Obtain a copy of the Great transformations Worksheet
Watch the film "Great transformations" at this link
Scroll the video back to the very beginning segment about whales please!