Grade 7 Lesson
Do Now:
Please get out your flashcards
Place the two indicated on the board definition side up on the table.
G&L Week 5 Definitions due Tuesday, October 1st.
G&L Week 5 Flashcards due Thursday, October 3.
G&L Wk5 Quiz, Monday, October 7.
Today’s Agenda:
Flashcard Check
Score 2 cards
4 points - 2 fully complete cards -(90% or better)
3 points - 2 partly complete cards - (80-90%)
2 points - 1 card missing or mostly incomplete
1 point - both cards mostly incomplete.
0 points - no cards
Review Scoring - The Big Chill Data analysis
IF comments request completion and resubmission you have until midnight tonight to complete the work AND turn it in.
Programming Spreadsheet Data Analysis
First, remove any data where the temperature went up after time zero.
Heat Loss Rate
time to study flashcards
Circling back and adding data:
Investigation Questions: What ffects the colling of a hot drink?
How does time affect cooling?
How does air temperature affect cooling?
Discussion and posting of results.