Wednesday, September 25 2024. Day 2, 161


Print the Grade 8 Motion quiz.

Vector Handout

Describing Motion - Velocity RC Check


Assignments Due:

  • Science: G&L Week 4 Flashcards Thursday

  • Math: Exit Ticket 1.5 Due Thurs, 5 Topic Goals Friday

  • Algebra: Exit Ticket 1.6 due Thurs, 5 Topic Goals Friday

  • SciTech:

  • ELA:

  • Spanish: Skit Presentations

  • Civics: Seven Year War Assignment

Grade 8 Lesson

Do Now:

  1. Clear up your workspace for a quiz.

  2. Take out any graphs that need to be passed in.

  3. Open your Motion - Velocity Notes

  4. Complete this Quick Motion-Velocity rc Check


Today’s Agenda:

Collect graphs

Motion Quiz - Quiz Handout

  • Make Flashcards, Study G&L while waiting for others in the class to finish.

RC Check results

Review Chapter Notes from Wednesday:

Discuss the following topics - annotate notes:

  1. Velocity

  2. How velocity is shown.

  3. Constant velocity

  4. Changing Velocity

    • Be sure to identify and describe 3 different ways in which velocity can change.

  5. The definition of acceleration.

Vector Handout

Students Who are finished May Make Flashcards with example words.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024. Day 1, 162



Assignments Due:

  • Science: G&L Week 3 Quiz Today

  • Math:

  • Algebra:

  • SciTech:

  • ELA:

  • Spanish:

  • Civics: Quiz Tuesday - study

Grade 8 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

Motion Quiz on Wednesday

Review G&L Week 4 Word List

Chapter Notes (Due Wednesday):

Take notes on the following topics:

  1. Velocity

  2. How velocity is shown.

  3. Constant velocity

  4. Changing Velocity

    • Be sure to identify and describe 3 different ways in which velocity can change.

  5. The definition of acceleration.

Accomodation Template

Students Who are finished May Make Flashcards with example words.

Monday, September 23, 2024. Day 6, 163



Assignments Due:

  • Science: G&L Week 3 Quiz Today

  • Math: 5 Topic Goals due Friday.

  • Algebra: Exit Ticket 1.5 due

  • SciTech:

  • ELA:

  • Spanish: Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow. Blooket in GC

  • Civics: Quiz Tuesday - study

Grade 8 Lesson

Do Now:

  1. Clear your tables and prepare for a quiz

  2. Please get out your Life in Motion Graph


Today’s Agenda:

Motion Quiz on Wednesday

  1. G&L Week 4 Quiz

    • I will review your progress on the Life in Motion graph while you work.

  2. finish your graph and turn in.

  3. Then work on your G&L Week 4 Word List

    • G&L Week 4 Word List - definitions due tomorrow with example words.

Graphing your Race Data

  1. Use graph Paper.

  2. Scale axis to fill most of the paper while using numerically convenient scales.

  3. Landscape Format

  4. Make sure your graph:

    • is set up your axis correctly.

    • includes a correct scales, proper labels and units.

    • has an informative/creative title.

    • is very neat and creatively presented.

    • Includes analysis and calculations for:

      • Your fastest lap.

      • Your slowest Lap,

      • your average speed.

  5. Is finished and submitted by the end of class tomorrow.

Friday, September 20, 2024. Day 5, 164


  • Half staff

  • OF to Reply AP


Assignments Due:

  • Science: G&L Week 3 FCs due Thursday

  • Math: 5 Topic goals due. 8-1.3 Extra Practice in ALEKS

  • Algebra: Exit ticket 1.47 - page 47(#1-4)

  • SciTech: Graphing ex. due today.

  • ELA: Reading Check

  • Spanish: Documentary EdPuzzle due 8:55

  • Civics: Quiz Tuesday - study

Grade 8 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

G&L quiz Make-ups

Motion Quiz on Wednesday

Graphing your Race Data

  1. Use graph Paper.

  2. Scale axis to fill most of the paper while using numerically convenient scales.

  3. Landscape Format

  4. Make sure your graph:

    • is set up your axis correctly.

    • includes a correct scales, proper labels and units.

    • has an informative/creative title.

    • is very neat and creatively presented.

    • Includes analysis and calculations for:

      • Your fastest lap.

      • Your slowest Lap,

      • your average speed.

  5. Is finished and submitted by the end of class tomorrow.

Thursday, September 19, 2024. Day 4, 165


Assignments Due:

  • Science: G&L Week 3 FCs due Thursday

  • Math: 5 Topic goals Friday. 7/14 Concepts in Reveal due today.

  • Algebra: 7/14 Concepts in Reveal due today.

  • SciTech: Graphing ex. due today.

  • ELA: Reading Check

  • Spanish: Emilia prefiere mirar Netflix…pero tiene clase

  • Civics

Grade 8 Lesson

Do Now:

Take out your flashcards please. Arrange them definition side up on the table.

Please take out your Practice Problems from yesterday


  • Due Thursday, September 19th

    • G&L Week 3 Flashcards

    • Finish Speed Practice.

  • G&L Wk3 Quiz, Monday September 23.

  • G&L Week 4 Definitions/Example words due Tuesday, September 24th

  • Motion Quiz Wednesday, September 25th - Your practice problems from todayis your study guide.

  • G&L Week 4 flashcards due Thursday, September 26th.

Today’s Agenda:

Pass back/go over G&L wk 1 quiz.

G&L quiz Make-ups

Open Notes on Graphing Motion.

Review average speed.

Check and correct Practice Problems with Slope

  • This worksheet is your study guide for a quiz next wednesday

Direct instruction: Average Speed.

  1. Average Speed is the total distance divided by the total time.

  2. Graphing and finding the slope of average speed.

Graphing your Race Data

  1. Use graph Paper.

  2. Scale axis to fill most of the paper while using numerically convenient scales.

  3. Landscape Format

  4. Make sure your graph:

    • is set up your axis correctly.

    • includes a correct scales, proper labels and units.

    • has an informative/creative title.

    • is very neat and creatively presented.

    • Includes analysis and calculations for:

      • Your fastest lap.

      • Your slowest Lap,

      • your average speed.

  5. Is finished and submitted by the end of class tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024. Day 3, 166


curriculum Night tonight.

No PE access through Locker Rooms - electricians at work.

Interested in STUCO? - Library after the Pledge


Assignments Due:

  • Science: G&L Week 3 FCs due Thursday

  • Math: 5 Topic goals Friday Math 8 - Worksheet, Algebra - Worksheet

  • Algebra:

  • SciTech

  • ELA: Reading Check

  • Spanish: Finish/Take Review Quiz from last Friday. (CH, AH)

  • Civics

Grade 8 Lesson

Do Now:

Open your notes to yesterday’s topic:

  • Graphing Motion


Today’s Agenda:

Pass back and review G&L Week 2 Quiz.

  • G&L Week 2 quiz Make-ups

    • VB

    • LD

    • ZI

    • GJ

    • KW

Slope review and Practice

Review Notes

  1. Graphing motion.

  2. Graph Setup

    • Time is always the X-axis

    • Distance is always the Y-Axis

  3. The steepness of the line is called the slope.

    • Slope is the ratio of change in the Y axis to change in the X axis.

    • This is the ratio of distance to time

    • Thit follows: Slope represents speed.

      • Qualitatively assessing speed.

  4. Quantitatively assessing speed.

    • Rise = distance

    • Run = time

    • Rise/Run = Distance/Time = Speed

Practice Problems with Slope

  1. Complete 1 together.

  2. Students to complete 2 independently.

  3. Direct instruction: Average Speed.

    • Average Speed is the total distance divided by the total time.

    • Graphing and finding the slope of average speed.

  4. Finish worksheet - complete as HW if needed.

Time to complete Flashcards as available.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Day 2, 167


Assignments Due:

  • Science: G&L Week 3 FCs due Thursday

  • Math: 5 Topic goals Friday

  • Algebra:

  • SciTech

  • ELA: Final Memoir Due

  • Spanish:

  • Civics

Grade 8 Lesson

Do Now:

Please get out your example words and word list (or flashcards for week 3).


Today’s Agenda:

G&L Week 1-3 Word List completion check

  • Answer Key

  • Review definitions and possible example words.

G&L Week 2 quiz Make-ups

Direct Instruction:

Open Notes to Next Empty page - Continue Motion Notes

  1. Title: Graphing motion.

  2. Graph Setup

    • Time is always the X-axis

    • Distance is always the Y-Axis

  3. The steepness of the line is called the slope.

    • Slope represents speed.

    • Qualitatively assessing speed.

  4. Quantitatively assessing speed.

    • Rise = distance

    • Run = time

    • Rise/Run = Distance/Time = Speed

time to complete flashcards as permits

Monday, September 16, 2024. Day 1, 168


KL to TM ASAP 30s

Assignments Due:

  • Science: None

  • Math: 5 Topic goals Friday

  • Algebra:

  • SciTech

  • ELA: Final Memoir Due, Journal Question (from Friday)

  • Spanish: Make up missed quiz.

  • Civics

Grade 8 Lesson

Do Now:

Please clear your desks of all materials except a writing tool.


Today’s Agenda:

Pass back G&L Week 1 Quiz.

Review and study.

G&L Week 2 quiz. G&L Week 1 Makeups.

G&L Week 3 Word List

Life in Motion

We are going to collect some motion data today. Here are your instructions:

  1. Choose a partner.

  2. You will need:

    • writing tool

    • phone (stopwatch)

    • clipboard

    • data table handout

  3. We will go outside to “the track.”

  4. “The Track” is 120 meters around a complete lap.

  5. Each student will make five laps.

  6. One team member will time the other while they go arond the course, then switch roles.

  7. You choose the pace.

  8. You must stay outsie the cones that have been set up - no cutting please.

  9. After collecting data, we will come inside for wrap up work.

Friday, September 13, 2024. Day 6, 169


STAR Testing

  • ELA

Assignments Due:

  • Science: G&L Week 2 Quiz Today

  • Math:

  • Algebra:

  • SciTech

  • ELA:

  • Spanish:

  • Civics

Grade 8 Lesson

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

Life in Motion

We are going to collect some motion data today. Here are your instructions:

  1. Choose a partner.

  2. You will need:

    • writing tool

    • phone (stopwatch)

    • clipboard

    • data table handout

  3. We will go outside to “the track.”

  4. “The Track” is 120 meters around a complete lap.

  5. Each student will make five laps.

  6. One team member will time the other while they go arond the course, then switch roles.

  7. You choose the pace.

  8. You must stay outsie the cones that have been set up - no cutting please.

  9. After collecting data, we will come inside for wrap up work.

G&L Study as Time Permits.

Motion Notes Comprehension Quiz/flashcard Check
Discussion/notes on Motion concepts
  • MOtion
  • reference Points
  • Distance vs Displacement
  • Speed
  • Speed practice problems.
  • changes in speed
  • average Speed
Join Google Classroom.
Assign Speed Practice Problems I
Lab Tomorrow - measuring motion

G&L Study

Unit 1: Motion
Chapter Notes (Due Thursday):
Read pages 491 to 493 (Ch 14 Describing Motion). 
In your science notebook:
Start on the next blank page.
Title: Chapter Notes, Describing Motion (Ch14 pgs. 491-493)
Take notes on the following topics:
  1. Motion
  2. Reference Points
  3. Distance versus Displacement
  4. Speed
    • the mathematical formula for speed
  5. constant versus changing speed
  6. average speed
Accomodation Template

Thursday, September 12, 2024. Day 5, 170


Assignments Due:

  • Science: Flash cards due today

  • Math: Topic goals Friday

  • Algebra:

  • SciTech

  • ELA:

  • Spanish: Computer review Games -> Quiz Friday

  • Civics

Grade 8 Lesson

Do Now:

Please take out your chapter notes and flashcards.


Today’s Agenda:

Motion Notes Comprehension Quiz/flashcard Check

Discussion/notes on Motion concepts

  • MOtion

  • reference Points

  • Distance vs Displacement

  • Speed

  • Speed practice problems.

  • changes in speed
  • average Speed

Join Google Classroom.

Assign Speed Practice Problems I

Lab Tomorrow - measuring motion

G&L Study

Unit 1: Motion
Chapter Notes (Due Thursday):
Read pages 491 to 493 (Ch 14 Describing Motion). 
In your science notebook:
Start on the next blank page.
Title: Chapter Notes, Describing Motion (Ch14 pgs. 491-493)
Take notes on the following topics:
  1. Motion
  2. Reference Points
  3. Distance versus Displacement
  4. Speed
    • the mathematical formula for speed
  5. constant versus changing speed
  6. average speed
Accomodation Template