Monday, March 11, 2024. Day 2


Panorama this Morning

Assign/organize COmmunity Service OPPORTUNITIES

  • Friday March 15th - March 29th dodgeball tournament need help with refreshments  5:30 to 7:30

  • Saturday March 23rd Easter event  10:30 to 12:30 


Crayon Project - box construction




  • ELA:



Do Now:

Listen: Different kinds of Sounds

Complete Step 1 of CER: Explain the Phenomonon - Wave Properties

  • Claim: A wave you see or feel is the result of…”

  • Located on GC


Complete Analyze and Conclude” on today’s worksheet.

Today’s Agenda:

Cer Step 1

  • Complete in GG

Lab: Making Waves

  • Complete lab Handout in class

Last Class

Use your HW as open notes while taking the:

Friday, March 9, 2024. Day 1


Assign/organize COmmunity Service OPPORTUNITIES

  • Friday March 8th  basketball tournament need help with the refreshments . 6:00 to 8:00 

  • Friday March 15th - March 29th dodgeball tournament need help with refreshments  5:30 to 7:30

  • Saturday March 23rd Easter event  10:30 to 12:30 


Crayon Project - box construction




  • ELA:



Do Now:

Open up yesterdays assignment.

  • Attach your copy to the Assignment in GC



Today’s Agenda:

Use your HW as open notes while taking the:

How Can You Make Waves?

  • Mini-lab

  • Student time to work

  • Share out

Review of Waves R&TN HW and RC results.

Yeti green Data Analysis

  • check

  • finish

  • record

Scoring Thermal performance and Cost

  • Scoring Appearance/Functionality and Construction Quality

  • Students to review.

Students to review design and Reflect on Pros and Cons - Google Classroom

  • Add further pros and cons based on feedback on Appearance/Functionality and Construction Quality

Drop Test and Leak Test

Thursday, March 7, 2024. Day 6


Assign/organize COmmunity Service OPPORTUNITIES

  • Friday March 8th  basketball tournament need help with the refreshments . 6:00 to 8:00 

  • Friday March 15th - March 29th dodgeball tournament need help with refreshments  5:30 to 7:30

  • Saturday March 23rd Easter event  10:30 to 12:30 


Laminator - Crayon Project




  • ELA:



Do Now:

complete the “Do Now” located by the entry door. Hand it in.


Complete the “Waves Read and take Notes 1” in Google Classroom

Today’s Agenda:

Yeti green Data Analysis

  • check

  • finish

  • record

Scoring Thermal performance and Cost

  • Scoring Appearance/Functionality and Construction Quality

  • Students to review.

Students to review design and Reflect on Pros and Cons - Google Classroom

  • Add further pros and cons based on feedback on Appearance/Functionality and Construction Quality

Drop Test and Leak Test

Wednesday, March 6, 2024. Day 5


Assign/organize COmmunity Service OPPORTUNITIES

  • Friday March 8th  basketball tournament need help with the refreshments . 6:00 to 8:00 

  • Friday March 15th - March 29th dodgeball tournament need help with refreshments  5:30 to 7:30

  • Saturday March 23rd Easter event  10:30 to 12:30 


Laminator - Crayon Project




  • ELA:



Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

Yeti green Data Analysis

Make a data tableand graph in GC

  • Analyze and Calculate the heat Loss rate in Degrees/minute

  • GRaph

  • Add Trendline with equation

  • Due Today

Scoring Thermal performance and Cost

Students to review design and Reflect on Pros and Cons - Google Classroom

Monday, March 4, 2024. Day 4


Assign/organize COmmunity Service OPPORTUNITIES

  • Friday March 8th  basketball tournament need help with the refreshments . 6:00 to 8:00 

  • Friday March 15th - March 29th dodgeball tournament need help with refreshments  5:30 to 7:30

  • Saturday March 23rd Easter event  10:30 to 12:30 


Laminator - Crayon Project




  • ELA:



Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

Yeti green Data Analysis

Make a data tableand graph in GC

Due Wednesday

Cup Scoring

Analyze and Calculate the heat Loss rate in Degrees/minute


Trendline with equation



  1. Get cup

  2. Go to assigned lab station

  3. Prepare a stopwatch.

  4. Set up the thermometer 3 cm from bottom of your cup.

    • Use the blue dot side of eraser as a setup block

    • Do no harm to erasers!

  5. Fill styrofoam cup to 300 mL mark.

    • Styrofoam cups are marked inside with a single blue line.

    • This marks 300 mL.

  6. Fill your YETI container with 300 mL of hot water.

    • Pour from the styrofoam cup as soon as you get it.

  7. Lower thermometer to the pre-set depth.

  8. Lower your cover if you have one.

  9. Start stopwatch.

  10. Record temperature every minute for 20 minutes.


  1. Empty water into a sink.

  2. Return stations to original setup (see below).

  3. Stay at your station and wait for me to dismiss you.

    • Raise hands.

  4. You are scored 5 points for:

    • proper cleanup

    • waiting for dismissal

    • no destruction to the materials at your station

  5. Return to your classroom seat when dismissed.

Friday, March 1, 2024. Day 3


COmmunity Service

Collect Service to date.


  • Friday March 8th  basketball tournament need help with the refreshments . 6:00 to 8:00 

  • Friday March 15th - March 29th dodgeball tournament need help with refreshments  5:30 to 7:30

  • Saturday March 23rd Easter event  10:30 to 12:30 

  • 2-4 student each. See me.

Flag: half staff today

  • Friday, February 23, 2024, until sunset on Friday, March 1, 2024, the date of interment, in honor of Staff Sergeant Carlos Dickey, United States Army, Tanker, 3rd Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, formerly of Lowell, Massachusetts, who passed away on February 13, 2024.

Classwork Due:

  • Spanish:

  • Science: Complete YETI Green Drawings if not done

  • ELA:

  • Civics:

  • SciTech:

Do Now:


Today’s Agenda:

YETI Green Project Testing

Test Protocol:

  1. Get cup

  2. Go to assigned lab station

  3. Prepare a stopwatch.

  4. Set up the thermometer 3 cm from bottom of your cup.

    • Use the blue dot side of eraser as a setup block

    • Do no harm to erasers!

  5. Fill styrofoam cup to 300 mL mark.

    • Styrofoam cups are marked inside with a single blue line.

    • This marks 300 mL.

  6. Fill your YETI container with 300 mL of hot water.

    • Pour from the styrofoam cup as soon as you get it.

  7. Lower thermometer to the pre-set depth.

  8. Lower your cover if you have one.

  9. Start stopwatch.

  10. Record temperature every minute for 20 minutes.

Clean Up Protocol

  1. Empty water into a sink.

  2. Return stations to original setup (see below).

  3. Stay at your station and wait for me to dismiss you.

    • Raise hands.

  4. You are scored 5 points for:

    • proper cleanup

    • waiting for dismissal

    • no destruction to the materials at your station

  5. Return to your classroom seat when dismissed.

Thursday, February 29, 2024. Day 2


COmmunity Service

Collect Service to date.


  • Friday March 8th  basketball tournament need help with the refreshments . 6:00 to 8:00 

  • Friday March 15th - March 29th dodgeball tournament need help with refreshments  5:30 to 7:30

  • Saturday March 23rd Easter event  10:30 to 12:30 

  • 2-4 student each. See me.

Flag: half staff today

  • Friday, February 23, 2024, until sunset on Friday, March 1, 2024, the date of interment, in honor of Staff Sergeant Carlos Dickey, United States Army, Tanker, 3rd Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, formerly of Lowell, Massachusetts, who passed away on February 13, 2024.

Classwork Due:

  • Spanish:

  • Science: Complete YETI Green Drawings if not done

  • ELA:

  • Civics:

  • SciTech:

Do Now:

Take out your chrome book.

go to Google Classroom



Today’s Agenda:

Yeti Green Materials “Purchase”

  • Complete a “Final Price Worksheet”

  • Submit in GC

    • ONE copy only!

  • All memebrs to see me with this open on a chromebook.

  • Materials allocation

  • Locker Numbers on the submitted assignment.

  • Locker Number neatly and clearly visible on the side of the finished product.

  • Time to build.

Project due Date: all containers to be finished for scoring End of Class on Thursday.

Finalize Portfolios

Organize Contents:

  • these items must be neatly arranged in this order

  1. Rough sketches (any format, neatly stapled together as a group)

  2. Final Sketches (on graph paper, drawn with ruler, well labeled with details and pros/cons)

  3. Design Selection Grid (fulled out filly and final choice identified.

  4. Calculations of Materials Requirements

    • Use FDSS format to calculate the circumference and area of any insulation materials required

  5. Cost Estimate (use the table provided to calculate the cost of the materials you expect to use.)

  6. Cut sheet ( a sketch with dimensions of every material you need to build your container).

  7. Calculation of Volume/Measurement Check

Some may not be done/available - that is OK!

Following this, you may work on your project but there is no access to the supply room.

Identify and List the Materials Needed

Calculate the Mass of Them

Calculate the Price of the materials you need.

YETI Green™ Logo Information

Wednesday, February 28, 2024. Day 1


COmmunity Service

Collect Service to date.


  • Friday March 8th  basketball tournament need help with the refreshments . 6:00 to 8:00 

  • Friday March 15th - March 29th dodgeball tournament need help with refreshments  5:30 to 7:30

  • Saturday March 23rd Easter event  10:30 to 12:30 

  • 2-4 student each. See me.

Flag: half staff today

  • Friday, February 23, 2024, until sunset on Friday, March 1, 2024, the date of interment, in honor of Staff Sergeant Carlos Dickey, United States Army, Tanker, 3rd Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, formerly of Lowell, Massachusetts, who passed away on February 13, 2024.

A conversation


Jimmy and Alden

The phone company


Dunkin Donuts

In school







Classwork Due:

  • Spanish:

  • Science: Complete YETI Green Drawings if not done

  • ELA:

  • Civics:

  • SciTech:

Do Now:

Take out your chrome book.

go to Google Classroom



Today’s Agenda:

Yeti Green Materials “Purchase”

  • Complete a “Final Price Worksheet”

  • Submit in GC

    • ONE copy only!

  • All memebrs to see me with this open on a chromebook.

  • Materials allocation

  • Locker Numbers on the submitted assignment.

  • Locker Number neatly and clearly visible on the side of the finished product.

  • Time to build.

Project due Date: all containers to be finished for scoring End of Class on Thursday.

Finalize Portfolios

Organize Contents:

  • these items must be neatly arranged in this order

  1. Rough sketches (any format, neatly stapled together as a group)

  2. Final Sketches (on graph paper, drawn with ruler, well labeled with details and pros/cons)

  3. Design Selection Grid (fulled out filly and final choice identified.

  4. Calculations of Materials Requirements

    • Use FDSS format to calculate the circumference and area of any insulation materials required

  5. Cost Estimate (use the table provided to calculate the cost of the materials you expect to use.)

  6. Cut sheet ( a sketch with dimensions of every material you need to build your container).

  7. Calculation of Volume/Measurement Check

Some may not be done/available - that is OK!

Following this, you may work on your project but there is no access to the supply room.

Identify and List the Materials Needed

Calculate the Mass of Them

Calculate the Price of the materials you need.

YETI Green™ Logo Information

Tuesday, February 27, 2024. Day 2


Flag: half staff today

  • Friday, February 23, 2024, until sunset on Friday, March 1, 2024, the date of interment, in honor of Staff Sergeant Carlos Dickey, United States Army, Tanker, 3rd Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, formerly of Lowell, Massachusetts, who passed away on February 13, 2024.

Classwork Due:

  • Spanish:

  • Science: Complete YETI Green Drawings if not done

  • ELA:

  • Civics:

  • SciTech:

Do Now:

Take out your chrome book.

go to Google Classroom



Today’s Agenda:

Yeti Green Materials “Purchase”

  • Complete a “Final Price Worksheet”

  • Submit in GC

    • ONE copy only!

  • All memebrs to see me with this open on a chromebook.

  • Materials allocation

  • Locker Numbers on the submitted assignment.

  • Locker Number neatly and clearly visible on the side of the finished product.

  • Time to build.

Project due Date: all containers to be finished for scoring End of Class on Thursday.

Finalize Portfolios

Organize Contents:

  • these items must be neatly arranged in this order

  1. Rough sketches (any format, neatly stapled together as a group)

  2. Final Sketches (on graph paper, drawn with ruler, well labeled with details and pros/cons)

  3. Design Selection Grid (fulled out filly and final choice identified.

  4. Calculations of Materials Requirements

    • Use FDSS format to calculate the circumference and area of any insulation materials required

  5. Cost Estimate (use the table provided to calculate the cost of the materials you expect to use.)

  6. Cut sheet ( a sketch with dimensions of every material you need to build your container).

  7. Calculation of Volume/Measurement Check

Some may not be done/available - that is OK!

Following this, you may work on your project but there is no access to the supply room.

Identify and List the Materials Needed

Calculate the Mass of Them

Calculate the Price of the materials you need.

YETI Green™ Logo Information

Monday, February 26, 2024. Day 1


Flag: half staff today

  • Friday, February 23, 2024, until sunset on Friday, March 1, 2024, the date of interment, in honor of Staff Sergeant Carlos Dickey, United States Army, Tanker, 3rd Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, formerly of Lowell, Massachusetts, who passed away on February 13, 2024.

Classwork Due:

  • Spanish:

  • Science: Complete YETI Green Drawings if not done

  • ELA:

  • Civics:

  • SciTech:

Do Now:

Take out your chrome book.

go to Google Classroom



Today’s Agenda:

Yeti Green Materials “Purchase”

  • Complete a “Final Price Worksheet”

  • Submit in GC

    • ONE copy only!

  • All memebrs to see me with this open on a chromebook.

  • Materials allocation

  • Locker Numbers on the submitted assignment.

  • Locker Number neatly and clearly visible on the side of the finished product.

  • Time to build.

Project due Date: all containers to be finished for scoring End of Class on Thursday.

Finalize Portfolios

Organize Contents:

  • these items must be neatly arranged in this order

  1. Rough sketches (any format, neatly stapled together as a group)

  2. Final Sketches (on graph paper, drawn with ruler, well labeled with details and pros/cons)

  3. Design Selection Grid (fulled out filly and final choice identified.

  4. Calculations of Materials Requirements

    • Use FDSS format to calculate the circumference and area of any insulation materials required

  5. Cost Estimate (use the table provided to calculate the cost of the materials you expect to use.)

  6. Calculation of Volume/Measurement Check

Some may not be done/available - that is OK!

Following this, you may work on your project but there is no access to the supply room.

Identify and List the Materials Needed

Calculate the Mass of Them

Calculate the Price of the materials you need.

YETI Green™ Logo Information
