Monday, November 6, 2023. Day 4

Instructor Notes:

WREA Meeting


Please complete the Week of 10/2 Homeroom Plan


  • ELA -

  • Civics -

  • Spanish - 1st Chapter, Andres Quiere Amigos

  • SciTech -

  • Science - All

  • Math -

YB Join code: okuhobs

finish YB bio please.

Do Now:

  1. Check for posted homework and update your agenda.

  2. Get out any assignments due today.


Write CER 1 Step 2 (Evidence) if not done.

Draft experimental design for re-approaching reactions

Today’s Agenda:

Whole Class: Review Positive Reaction Lab Form.

Write CER 1 Step 2 (Evidence) if not done.

Chemical Testing of Unknown solid

Draft experimental design for re-approaching reactions

Friday, November 3, 2023. Day 3

Instructor Notes:


Term I ends today.

You are expected to have completed your cark Hiaasen book.

If you are not finished - please do an SSR today and finish it this weekend.

You will be assigned a project base don this book starting Monday.


  • ELA - Lesson 6 Activity 2 completed

  • Civics -

  • Spanish - IR verb quiz!

  • SciTech -

  • Science -

  • Math -

End of Term I

Do Now:

  1. write posted homework in your agenda.

  2. Copy and Paste the Answer Key results for Positive Reaction - What did we make? onto you document in google classroom.


  1. Positive reaction

  2. CER 1 Step 2

    • to be completed NLT Sunday at midnight (if not finished in class).

Today’s Agenda:

Signs of Chemical Change - RC Quiz handout

Complete Positive Reaction Form

Complete Step 2 of CER

Chem Tests?

Thursday, November 2, 2023. Day 2

Instructor Notes:


Please complete the Week of 10/2 Homeroom Plan


  • ELA -

  • Civics -

  • Spanish - Rainbow Reading and Puzzle Pack due

  • SciTech -

  • Science - Positive reaction - What did we make? due NOW!

  • Math -

Do Now:

  1. Check for posted homework and update your agenda.

  2. Get out any assignments due today.


Today’s Agenda:

complete Signs of Chemical Change (due tomorrow)

complete Positive reaction - Packet

check Positive reaction - What did we make?

Check CER

Friday complete CER

Physical Changes Study Guide - quiz

Prelab - Law of Conservation of Mass

Practice Problems

Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Day 1

Instructor Notes:


Please complete the Week of 10/2 Homeroom Plan


  • ELA -

  • Civics -

  • Spanish -

  • SciTech -

  • Science -

  • Math -

Half Day Schedule - Teacher Development

  • Homeroom Until 8:36

  • P1 8:36 - 9:02 (related Arts)

  • P2 9:02 - 9:28

  • P3 9:28 - 9:54

  • P4 9:54 - 10:20

  • P5 10:20 - 10:45

  • Lunch 10:45 - 11:05

  • P6 11:05 - 11:25

  • P7 11:25 - 11:50

  • Dismissal at 11:50

Do Now:

  1. Check for posted homework and update your agenda.

  2. Get out any assignments due today.


Finish: Positive Reaction - What did we make?

Due NLT Midnight

Today’s Agenda:

A reaction between magnesium sulfate and sodium carbonate produces two products.

  1. Research (on the internet) and identify the two products that are produced.

  2. identify their chemical formulas

  3. research and identify the physical and chemical properties of both substances. Focus on:

    • color

    • solubility in water

    • solubility in ethanol

    • chemical reactivity with acids

    • melting point/decomposition temperature

Complete the Experiment Packet passed out in class as time permits

Monday, October 30, 2023. Day 4

Instructor Notes:


Please complete the Week of 10/2 Homeroom Plan


  • ELA -

  • Civics -

  • Spanish - VIP Duo Lingo

  • SciTech - Poster - so overdue!

  • Science -

  • Math -

Complete all yearbook bios!

Join Code

Do Now:

  1. Check for posted homework and update your agenda.

  2. Get out any assignments due today.


Step 1 of CER due today (NLT Midnight)

Element Quiz Retakes by appointment during HR this week.

Today’s Agenda:

Friday, October 27, 2023. Day 4

Instructor Notes:


Please complete the Week of 10/2 Homeroom Plan


  • ELA -

  • Civics -

  • Spanish

  • SciTech -

  • Science -

Community Service Opportunity:

Friday, December 1st - 3 pm - 8 pm (hoping it will be done earlier)  This will be to block off the areas for the vendors.  Help set up tables for the raffles, etc.  (Probably will need about 10-12 students)

Saturday, December 2nd -  7am -12 & 12  - 4 pm  (Students can work longer or shorter if they need to on these days.)   They will be helping vendors bring stuff in during the morning, helping bring stuff out at the end, selling raffle tickets, etc. (probably need about 5-6 per block of time)

Sign up in the office.

Do Now:

  1. get out your copy of Understanding Melting Point and Boiling Point

  2. Complete the MH Assignment through Clever.


Element Quiz Retakes by appointment during HR this week.

Finish today’s activity as needed.

Today’s Agenda:

collect Understanding Melting Point and Boiling Point

  • Spreadsheet graphing and reflection activity

Encounter the Phenomenon: Property Changes in Chemical Reactions

Present Demonstrations


Clean Up and Drawing

Thursday, October 26, 2023. Day 3

Instructor Notes:


Please complete the Week of 10/2 Homeroom Plan


  • ELA -

  • Civics - Quiz, Essays due end of class.

  • Spanish - DuoLingo VIP due by Halloween!!

  • SciTech - Ed Puzzle due.

  • Science -

Do Now:

  1. Please log in to clever.

  2. Go to Inspire Science (The McGraw Hill Science Text)

  3. Find and complete the assignment I gave you.


Element Quiz Retakes by appointment during HR this week.

Mixture Separation LAb WrapUp.

  • Due NLT Midnight.

Today’s Agenda:

Finish Mixture Separation LAb Wrap-Up.

  • Due NLT Midnight.

Understanding Melting Point and Boiling Point

  • Spreadsheet graphing and reflection activity

Wednesday October 25, 2023. Day 2

Instructor Notes:


Please complete the Week of 10/2 Homeroom Plan


  • ELA - Writing Assignment, Page 11, Journals

  • Civics - Quiz Tomorrow, Essay due Friday

  • Spanish - Skit today!!

  • SciTech -

  • Science - Physical Changes In My Day due today.

Do Now:

  1. Check for posted homework and update your agenda.

  2. Get out any assignments due today.


Element Quiz Retakes by appointment during HR this week.

Mixture Separation LAb Wrap up due beginning of class tomorrow if not finished today.

Today’s Agenda:

Review Physical Changes Slides and BP Exercises

Tutorial - Finishing the Mixture Separation Lab Wrap Up

  • collect

Understanding Melting Point and Boiling Point

  • Spreadsheet graphing and reflection activity