Monday, February 8, 2021. Day 4

Do Now:

To Be Completed:

Step one of the Paragraph Planners:

  • What are genes?

  • How are genes and proteins related?

Due today

Today’s Lesson:

Open Notes Quiz

When finished:

  • Fill out “Step 1” of:

  • What are genes? Paragraph Planner

  • How are genes and proteins related? Paragraph Planner

Step 1 is due today and we will review it for tomorrow.

As time permits: Work on research of genes for your slides.

Medline genes

Friday, February 5, 2021. Day 3

Do Now:

To Be Completed:

What are chromosomes paragraph planner due today.

Investigating Genes due February 11th.

Today’s Lesson:

Fruit Flies and Genetics has been graded and passed back.

  • Please note: you are responsible for making up work that was not turned in.

You have been assigned paragraph planners for slides 2, 3, and 4 of the “Investigating Genes” project.

  • You need to complete one each day.

  • Please pay attention to due dates.

    • Early is great!

  • Extra credit is available for evidence of peer editing.

  • A breakout option is available today for those wishing to get some assistance.

You may work on this project during class and should use asynchronous time this afternoon as well.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Day 1

Synchronous Lesson Plan

Do Now:

To Be Completed:

Today’s Lesson:

Review your “Unit Notes: DNA and Genes”

  • You will have an open notes quiz on this sometime over the next few days.

    • Use the materials in Google Classroom to check your notes.

  • If any notes are missing or incorrect, fix them.

    • Turn them in if you have any corrections you want me to look over and receive late credit for.

Read Fruit Flies and Genetic Research

  • Complete the Writing prompt and turn it in.

  • Located in GC.

Extra time?

Complete this survey on the best “What are genes?” paragraphs.

  • This will count for a grade but it is not “officially” assigned yet.

  • Due NLT Sunday evening.

Monday, February 1st, 2021. Day 6

Start Q3

Do Now:

To Be Completed:

Any missing work from Q2 that you complete must be turned in and I must be emeailed with a specific assignment name.

Today’s Lesson:

Go over What are genes?

In Breakouts…

Copy and post your paragraph from the “What are genes?” assignment.

Do this in the breakout chat.

Discuss and select one as “Tribune”

  • Does it answer the question “What is a gene?”

  • Does it explain where genes are located?

  • Does it appropriately use the vocabulary:

  • cell

  • chromosome

  • DNA

  • gene

  • nucleus

The group may edit the “Tribune” to improve it.

Tribunes will be presented and voted on in an upcoming class.

Wednesday, January 27th, 2021. Day 3

Ice Needles.jpg

Asynchronous Lesson Plan

To Be Completed:

Please go over the DNA BrainPop worksheet (see below)

Complete the BrainPop DNA: Challenge activity

The Secret of photograph 51 Additional cRedit is due friday.

  • This is optional - not required

  • recommended if you are interested or need an opportunity to raise your grade.

Today’s Lesson:

  1. Please go over the DNA BrainPop worksheet assigned yesterday.

  2. Complete the BrainPop DNA: Challenge activity located in Google Classroom.